Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Saving money on garden supplies

It has been quite some time since I have posted to my blogs . . . this blog was started somewhere else and I am still in the process of moving blogs and getting on with my life at the same time. I've still not gotten out in the garden yet and my intentions have been good regarding my carport jungle, however, real life has taken precedence over plants. Even Martha Stewart would say that it is a "good thing" . . .

The following article came from one of my favorite websites, RealSimple . . . I've added my thoughts to various topics.

Stick with one tool.
Part knife and part trowel, a hori hori knife is a gardener’s best friend. Use it to plant, to grub, and to remove deep-rooted weeds. Buying tools for those specific jobs can cost around $40.

Cash in on compost. “Many municipalities pick up yard waste and turn it into free compost,” says Ross. Ask the office of your town if your community participates.

Composting in the past has yielded some awesome tomato and pepper plants . . . the soil makes a huge difference in the quality of plants and vegetables for me . . . and I have saved lots of money by composting and taking advantage of the sandy soil natural to my area. Perlite purchased in huge bags to save money assists in making the soil "lighter," allowing for better drainage and encouraging root growth. More on composting and soil recipes in future posts.

Purchase cell packs. Buying one large marigold plant for $8 can give your garden a head start, but a four-pack of smaller ones costs half the price and each of the tiny plants will grow to the size of the large one in just a few weeks.

A better idea to save money is starting plants from seed. Once your plants are established, learn how to harvest seeds from the flowers to save even more money year after year.

Plant tough varieties. Daylilies, asters, and hostas are all vigorous and low-maintenance, which means you won’t have to make another trip to the nursery for replacements.

Do some research to find out which varieties work best in your area . . . it makes a huge difference when you have plants that come up year after year. Visit my website which lists many links for specific areas to get you started.

Attach a timer to the spigot. A sprinkler or a soaker hose left running wastes a lot of water. Spend $15 now on a mechanical water timer ( and save on tomorrow’s water bills.

Buy native flora. After one season, they’re completely established, so a nasty freeze shouldn’t zap them. Purchase cone flowers (native in much of the country), or do some research to learn what grows naturally in your region.

I've found that native plants flourish with neglect since I have pretty much abandoned yard work since my husband passed away. Those native plants are acclimated to growing naturally in your specific area . . . take advantage of them!

Hope everyone is keeping busy in your gardens and keeping your hands dirty . . . I'll be joining you soon!
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Sunday, February 22, 2009

What's blooming in Paradise

They started in my dad's garden. As a child I remember the bright orange and red blooms against the colorful tropical crotons, thinking how beautiful the color combinations were.

He taught me how to multiply plants, baby them and have them give back with their beauty. There was a lady on one of the older HGTV gardening shows who described her show as the one who profiles gardeners who touch the earth and makes it bloom. That is one of the most beautiful gifts my dad ever gave me . . . he taught me how to touch the earth and be grateful for everything it gives back to me. Just as it did for my dad, I can touch the earth and make it bloom.

The kalanchoe in the photo come from the seeds of those plants that graced my dad's garden. They live on in my paradise and bloom for me year after year . . . and have thrived through neglect since my husband died. My desire to garden is slowly coming back to me . . . and my plants have waited for me.

Today as I sat outside in my carport jungle, I noticed some new plants of kalanchoe that came up in some of my containers that I sprinkled seeds in last year. The bold red blooms are predominant in a sea of green . . . they made it through the winter freezes and cold nights that refuse to go away. We are still in the 40's at night in Central Florida . . . unbelievable!

My next post will be a profile on these plants that thrive even with neglect and come up with bright and beautiful blooms to remind you that spring is around the corner.


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Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

kalanchoe-2002.jpgKalanchoe blossfeldiana is a durable
flowering succulent that requires little
maintenance and can be grown either
indoors or outdoors.

Their fleshy, dark shiny green leaves will reach 3 inches (7.7 cm) long by up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) wide with lobed edges.

Floral colors range from the traditional red to yellows, oranges, salmon, to pink and almost any color in between.

They start blooming in December and last 6-8 weeks.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana need full sun to high interior lighting, with a well drained soil mix.

The plants are well watered and allowed to dry somewhat in between waterings.

During the growing season (spring and summer), the plants are fertilized every month with a balanced fertilizer.

Beginning in the fall, the plants require 14 hours of continuous darkness every day to promote blooming. During this period, no fertilizer is used. I've never used this method and they always bloom like crazy for me . . . even the container plants that live in my carport where the light is never turned off.

After the plants have bloomed, they should be cut back to promote new growth and fertilized every 2 weeks. Keep plants trimmed to encourage compact and bushy growth.

Cut the blooms off the plant when the flowers start to fade . . . air dry to harvest the seeds. My method is to sprinkle seed where I want them to grow . . .

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana is easily propagated from cuttings in the spring. Cuttings should be 2-3" long with two pairs of leaves. Leaves are removed from the lower one or two nodes and inserted into the medium . . . no rooting hormone is needed. A good rooting medium consists of 1 part peat to 1 part perlite or sand . . . stick cuttings into final containers.

This is one of my favorite plants because of the brilliantly colored flowers, they are tolerant of neglect and so easy to propagate . . . I'd love to have a mass planting of this and will probably take lots of cuttings and throw out lots of seed this spring so I can.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Winter in Florida

The photo depicts a normal winter in my area of Central Florida, where red blooms can be seen all over my property from the hibiscus bushes. These are my beautiful fluffy doubles from a previous year. No blooming hibiscus this year because of too many nights of freezing temps.

However, there are brightly colored blooms in my Paradise this winter and I spoke of them in my last post. They made it through the freezing nights, but the breezy conditions of the other night's cold front knocked most of them down.

They are commonly called "Mother of Thousands" . . . their scientific name is Kalanchoe daigremontiana. I've never seen such cool looking plants that can become a nuisance since they multiply like crazy from offsets that form on the leaves, each becoming a new plant.

Some people consider them weeds, but I really like them
. . . especially when they bloom!

They produce bold violet orange flowers with yellow edges.

The plant dies after blooming.

They are predominantly a heat resistant plant, although it does not tolerate full sun very well. It supposed can't tolerate freeze, but it made it thorough several sporatic nights of freezing temps, but the long stems that hold the blooms were knocked over on a windy day.

Through the years I have collected several different types of these plants and love all of them, even though they are invasive and thrive in the heat and humidity of Central Florida. They are in the succulent family, Crassulaceae.

I'll try to get some photos of the different types of plants from this family that should have been named "Mother of Millions."

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alocasia Amazonica annuals apartment gardening aphids aucuba azalea back yard projects bamboo hydroponics basil beneficial insects bird watching birds black eyed susan blooms blue plumbago Bouganvillea boulders bromeliad photos bromeliads bugs Busch Gardens butterfly gardening cacti cactus calender calissia fragrans candles Christmas Cactus cilantro coffee coleus colorful container planting companion planting compost bins composting concrete concrete container concrete countertop concrete leaves concrete project container container gardening container gardens container plants containers contrast cooking with herbs coriander craft projects crafts cranberry hibiscus crinum crinum lilies croton cubanelle peppers cuttings cycads DIY DIY bubble fountain DIY insecticidal soap DIY projects DIY water fountain eggshells elephant ear epiphyte fall gardening fallen tree faux rocks fence fire pit fireplace Florida florida beauties Florida gardening flower tower flowering perennials flowers France fruit trees garden garden decor garden design garden fountain garden maintenance garden path garden project garden suppies gardening gardening basics gardening guide gardening mistakes gardening tips gardens garlic gazebo gingers grass grasshoppers greenhouses ground covers growing from seed growing tomatoes heat tolerant flowers herb gardening herbs HGTV holiday plant houseplants hydroponics hypertufa hypertufa containers illumination impatiens indoor gardening insecticidal soap insects inspiration June gardening Kalanchoe landscape landscape design landscaping lawns leaf casting leaf casting water feature leaf mold lemon tree lettuce lighting lily limes log planter low light plants mandevilla March gardening may Monet monthly gardening notes mosaic mother of millions native plants nature organic organic gardening organic pest control outdoor fireplace outdoor kitchen outdoor lighting outdoor projects outdoor shower outdoor spaces painting Paradise past path paths patio gardening Paul James pavers pepper plant pruning pepper plants peppers perennials pest control pest spray pests photo tips photos photos garden plant plant containers plant damage plant profile plant swaps planter plants plumbago pond ponds propagation pruning pruning fruit trees pruning tomato plants raised beds recycle recycling redesign rocks rooting basil rooting tomato plants sago palm saving money scrub seed germination seed saving seed starters seed storage box seed swaps seeds shade shade gardening shade plants slugs soil soil mix spring staghorn fern starting from seed stepping stones stump removal succulents summer summer gardening terracotta tin cans tips tires tomato tomato plants trash to treasure trash-to-treasure trees trellis tropical tropical plants tropicals turf vegetable gardening vegetables video water feature watering weed control weed identification weeds winter winter sowing wood path wood projects yard art yard projects zones 9-11