Everyone is a beginning gardener at one time or another. Vegetables are so satisfying to grow. The feeling of using vegetables you grew in your cooking is awesome. Some vegetables are easier to grow than others. For me, it is the tomato. Click here for lots of great information!
One of the easiest plants I have ever grown in my garden is the basil plant . . . very rewarding! Click here for an excellent article with great growing tips.
This has been the first year we are not growing tomatoes or peppers. There is still so much to do around here! Having a problem keeping your tomatoes healthy and thriving? The following is an excellent article on the solutions to so many tomato growing problems. Click here for the article.
Since most of our fruit trees were killed by winter freezes and Hurricane Irma, we are thinking of starting them again in large containers. They would be much easier to maintain and keep alive. It will be a new experiment for us and we need all the information we can get on the basics. This article contains everything you need to know about pruning those fruit trees!
Weeding has got to be one of the most dreaded tasks in the garden. Click here for an article with great ideas to prevent weeds in an established garden.