It is always a good time to think about saving your seeds safely. My seeds are used year after year with great results . . . I store mine in oversized index card containers, but I love this idea! Click here to go to an article all about saving seeds.
Weeding has to be my least favorite task in the garden. My best method of keeping them under control is to pull weeds every day as I walk through the garden. Click here to go to an article about weeds and keeping them under control from Mother Earth Living.
Love this landscape makeover! You would not believe the transformation from the "before" photo. The DIY Channel has posted a very impressive gallery of landscape makeovers that will inspire you to start on your landscape project. Click here to go to the gallery.
There is something about coffee that plants love. One of the things I do is water my plants with left over diluted coffee. It is like a drink of fertilizer for them. There are many benefits to using coffee grounds in compost. Read about those benefits here in an excellent article from Plant Care Today.
Love the showy flowering mandevilla vine grown on a trellis. We had a beautiful mandevilla with pink flowers that died in one of our harsh winters. It was one of my favorite plants!
If you would love to grow a mandevilla, click here for an excellent plant profile.
Love a shady garden! When I moved into my house, several decades ago, it was a shady yard with large oak trees and citrus trees. Before that time, I thought growing in full sun was the only way to go, but I was so wrong! Coleus plants are one of my favorites to bring bold color to the garden without flowers . . . and they are grown in such a wide variety of leaf shapes and colors. There are many other plants that are shade loving. If you grow in the shade or would like to, click here for an excellent article on plants to grow and how to care for them. Happy gardening!
Love the color in that garden! If you need a guide for what plants to buy and planting tips for gardening in zones 9-11, click here for an excellent article from Gardening Know How.