Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Growing tomatoes in winter

Although we experienced our first night of freezing temps last night, my thoughts are on starting tomato and pepper seeds early this winter.  It has been a mild winter for us in Zone 9 Florida and I've done it before, but it has been a long time since I experimented with this theory.  

Once the seedlings are big enough to transplant, they need to be grown in containers so they can be moved inside in case of a prolonged freeze.  We may just leave the containers in our carport area where they are protected.  It is worth a try to get a jump start on the growing season.  The containers are currently sitting out there empty . . . and seeds are relatively inexpensive.  

Time to order seeds!

Check out the Customer Favorites Tomatoes,
 now available at!

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Path to Serenity

There is something about paths in the garden that can transform a garden into a serene sanctuary that creates the mystery of where the path leads, especially when connected with secluded garden rooms.

I love the randomness of the pattern and diversity of materials used in the featured path.  Very clever idea for stretching out the more expensive pavers by mixing them with less expensive items.  Very cool!

Click here to go to the story behind this path!

What an awesome path that can be duplicated with relatively inexpensive items.  

For those who love to create with concrete like me, the pavers would be so easy to make!  

I'm ready to mix some concrete :)

Gardener's Supply Company - Deal of the Week

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall gardening checklist

The autumn leaves are changing colors, 
the temperatures are coming down, 
in Florida it is less humid.

At a loss on what to do in the garden?

Fine Gardening's website has an awesome series of
videos and articles on seasonal gardening.

Click here to go there!

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall gardening for subtropical and tropical climates

This is one of my favorite times of the year for gardening in our Zone 9, Central Florida garden.

Soon the black eyed susan vines that have seeded themselves all over the Paradise that is now a jungle will provide a much needed splash of color.  Another season has gone by, leaving the Paradise neglected and way overgrown.  The coleus and impatiens that used to grow wild are few . . . the past winters have killed the reseeding process that was going on.  Hopefully we can at least get those going again to bring more color to the garden.

Now is the time that I prune and propagate.

For guidelines and reference, please refer to my Florida gardening page for lots of links to the websites I go to for everything I need to know about gardening in Florida and similar zones.

Click on the Florida Gardening graphic to go to the page.

As the seasons are changing, we have been utilizing our outdoor dining area again . . . much to our delight!  

It is time to get the container plants in the carport jungle going again.  We are looking forward to planting more tomato and pepper plants.  Our pepper plant is still putting out delicious hot peppers!  It will be nice to have a greater variety.  The lime tree is still putting out some awesome juicy limes :)

We'll be visiting Busch Gardens soon and will post photos of their Fall gardens.

Happy Fall!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nasty Grasshoppers Caught In The Act!

Not only have they chewed up most of our
 plants, but now we caught them in the
 act of having sex in our front yard.

Shameless grasshoppers . . . I hate them!

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Summer Reflections

Another summer has come and gone . . . 
Paradise still remains like a jungle.

Of major note . . . the lime tree that was a memorial gift from JR's aunt when he died started producing very tasty and juicy limes that we have really enjoyed in cooking and sharing with others.  It is still putting out limes like crazy.  After waiting so many years for it to produce fruit, it was almost like JR was sending a message that he is smiling from heaven as new love bloomed and a new life has begun with my new husband, The Captain.

The grasshoppers invaded the Paradise with a vengeance . . . and they are still here.  Honestly, I don't know how anything survived as they devoured and chewed up leaves of most of our plants.  

We managed to get some tomatoes from our tomato plants, but all in all, that endeavor was disappointing.  Guess we started too late for optimum performance and didn't start them from seed.  They were not super healthy from the start and the grasshoppers put a dent in fruit production despite our attempts at spraying with our organic concoctions.  They were pulled up a few weeks ago :(

We did grow some awesome hot peppers that have continued to produce those hot and spicy treasures.  Hot pepper plants are one thing that we have been able to grow with no problem in our area . . . they thrive!

The basil is barely making it . . . 
the rosemary didn't last long, it died a quick death.

However, it has been a summer of health problems, in and out of hospitals with several members of the family and we got married . . . gardening became a low priority as the heat and humidity rose and health problems made it impossible to spend quality time in the garden.

We look forward to better health, cooler temps and quality time to start over again soon . . . especially with tomatoes, peppers and herbs.  Hopefully we will finally make it to the back yard that was Paradise turned into a jungle littered with fallen limbs and weeds the summer storms encouraged.  However, since most of the world has experienced devastating weather, we are grateful that we are still high and dry in Paradise.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Nature's miracle . . . composting

It is estimated that yard trimmings and food scraps account for 26 percent of the U.S. municipal solid waste stream.  Why not recycle them into the best fertilizer you could ever buy?

Utilizing nature's fertilizer by way of composting is the economical way to revitalize and nourish your garden using these every day waste items usually thrown away as trash while helping the environment by saving landfill space?

Take advantage of one of nature's miracles and start a compost pile in your back yard . . . it is easier than you think . . . and the benefits are awesome!

Click here for more information about composting from the EPA.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Soil recipes for container gardening

What a gorgeous tropical container planting!

Container gardening is my preferred method since I detest digging through tree  roots and I really don't enjoy using a big shovel . . . guess it is a girl thing.  It is so much easier to plant in containers . . . much easier to manage!

Grouping the same type plants with the same nutritional and drainage needs is a good idea for optimum plant health, using a specific soil mix that is well suited for the plants.

Click here for a listing of recipes for various types of container plantings.

Photo/Illustration: Steven Cominsky

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Slug Control . . . Home Remedies

You can have gorgeous flowering plants one day and wake up the next morning to nothing but sticks.  Slugs will do that!

After lots of experimenting, I found many different methods of getting rid of them . . .

Best method . . . purchased organic slug bait and put in jars with holes in the lid . . . placed sideways in areas plagued by the slugs.  The method is similar to a roach motel . . . they check in, but don't check out.  Be careful using baits if you have pets . . . even if they are organic, they can be toxic to pets.  Placing them in jars keeps the pets out of the bait.

Slugs hate scratchy barriers like crushed eggshells, wood ash and coffee grounds . . . they can be used as barriers around infested areas.  It is a tedious process and requires reapplication after rain or watering.

It is said that copper strips shock slugs and snails trying to cross them, although I never tried it.  Thin copper can be found in craft stores.

There are effective baiting techniques!  Lure them and then kill them in soapy water.  Another tedious process, but they will gather away from your plants to a confined area where you can easily dispose of them.

They love beer . . . set out in jar tops at night, collect them and dispose in the morning . . . they also love dissolved yeast.

Set out fresh melon rinds and grapefruit at night . . . lures them in just like the beer does.

The baiting techniques can be a problem in you have pets!

We haven't had a problem with slugs . . . it is the grasshoppers that are eating everything in sight.  The only way I've found to effectively get rid of them without using pesticides is catch them and stomp them dead.  I hate them!

Share your home remedies for controlling pests in your garden!

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Growing Tomatoes . . . soil additives

As an organic gardener, I'm always looking for tips from other gardeners who have successfully used what some would consider off-the-wall methods for maintaining healthy tomato plants.

The following mix has been used by several gardeners
 on the Organic Gardening website forum . . .

Mumsey's Magic Mix 

1 handful bone meal
1 handful cornmeal
1/2 handful powdered milk
1/4 handful epsom salts

Mix well in hole, plant tomato.  

Side dress every few weeks or so
with the cornmeal and powdered milk,
 watered down or not . . . the rain will soak it in.

I've posted these links before, but here they are again ~

If you need information on how to grow your own tomato plants, Fine Gardening has an awesome video series covering various topics.  Click here to go to their tomato page.

And if you haven't checked it out yet, click here to go to my tomato links page.

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alocasia Amazonica annuals apartment gardening aphids aucuba azalea back yard projects bamboo hydroponics basil beneficial insects bird watching birds black eyed susan blooms blue plumbago Bouganvillea boulders bromeliad photos bromeliads bugs Busch Gardens butterfly gardening cacti cactus calender calissia fragrans candles Christmas Cactus cilantro coffee coleus colorful container planting companion planting compost bins composting concrete concrete container concrete countertop concrete leaves concrete project container container gardening container gardens container plants containers contrast cooking with herbs coriander craft projects crafts cranberry hibiscus crinum crinum lilies croton cubanelle peppers cuttings cycads DIY DIY bubble fountain DIY insecticidal soap DIY projects DIY water fountain eggshells elephant ear epiphyte fall gardening fallen tree faux rocks fence fire pit fireplace Florida florida beauties Florida gardening flower tower flowering perennials flowers France fruit trees garden garden decor garden design garden fountain garden maintenance garden path garden project garden suppies gardening gardening basics gardening guide gardening mistakes gardening tips gardens garlic gazebo gingers grass grasshoppers greenhouses ground covers growing from seed growing tomatoes heat tolerant flowers herb gardening herbs HGTV holiday plant houseplants hydroponics hypertufa hypertufa containers illumination impatiens indoor gardening insecticidal soap insects inspiration June gardening Kalanchoe landscape landscape design landscaping lawns leaf casting leaf casting water feature leaf mold lemon tree lettuce lighting lily limes log planter low light plants mandevilla March gardening may Monet monthly gardening notes mosaic mother of millions native plants nature organic organic gardening organic pest control outdoor fireplace outdoor kitchen outdoor lighting outdoor projects outdoor shower outdoor spaces painting Paradise past path paths patio gardening Paul James pavers pepper plant pruning pepper plants peppers perennials pest control pest spray pests photo tips photos photos garden plant plant containers plant damage plant profile plant swaps planter plants plumbago pond ponds propagation pruning pruning fruit trees pruning tomato plants raised beds recycle recycling redesign rocks rooting basil rooting tomato plants sago palm saving money scrub seed germination seed saving seed starters seed storage box seed swaps seeds shade shade gardening shade plants slugs soil soil mix spring staghorn fern starting from seed stepping stones stump removal succulents summer summer gardening terracotta tin cans tips tires tomato tomato plants trash to treasure trash-to-treasure trees trellis tropical tropical plants tropicals turf vegetable gardening vegetables video water feature watering weed control weed identification weeds winter winter sowing wood path wood projects yard art yard projects zones 9-11